ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding

A taste of Cabalized Backpack

Update. Want to know more about Backpack? Read the specification

So perhaps you've bought into modules and modularity and want to get to using Backpack straightaway. How can you do it? In this blog post, I want to give a tutorial-style taste of how to program Cabal in the Backpack style. These examples are executable, but you'll have to build custom versions of GHC and Cabal to build them. Comments and suggestions would be much appreciated; while the design here is theoretically well-founded, for obvious reasons, we don't have much on-the-ground programmer feedback yet.

A simple package in today's Cabal

To start, let's briefly review how Haskell modules and Cabal packages work today. Our running example will be the bytestring package, although I'll inline, simplify and omit definitions to enhance clarity.

Let's suppose that you are writing a library, and you want to use efficient, packed strings for some binary processing you are doing. Fortunately for you, the venerable Don Stewart has already written a bytestring package which implements this functionality for you. This package consists of a few modules: an implementation of strict ByteStrings...

module Data.ByteString(ByteString, empty, singleton, ...) where
  data ByteString = PS !(ForeignPtr Word8) !Int !Int
  empty :: ByteString
  empty = PS nullForeignPtr 0 0
  -- ...

...and an implementation of lazy ByteStrings:

module Data.ByteString.Lazy(ByteString, empty, singleton, ...) where
  data ByteString = Empty | Chunk !S.ByteString ByteString
  empty :: ByteString
  empty = Empty
  -- ...

These modules are packaged up into a package which is specified using a Cabal file:

name: bytestring
  build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 5, ghc-prim, deepseq
  exposed-modules: Data.ByteString, Data.ByteString.Lazy, ...
  other-modules: ...

We can then make a simple module and package which depends on the bytestring package:

module Utils where
  import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
  blank :: IO ()
  blank = B.putStr B.empty
name: utilities
version: 0.1
  build-depends: base, bytestring >= 0.10
  exposed-modules: Utils

It's worth noting a few things about this completely standard module setup:

  1. It's not possible to switch Utils from using lazy ByteStrings to strict ByteStrings without literally editing the Utils module. And even if you do that, you can't have Utils depending on strict ByteString, and Utils depending on lazy ByteString, in the same program, without copying the entire module text. (This is not too surprising, since the code really is different.)
  2. Nevertheless, there is some amount of indirection here: while Utils includes a specific ByteString module, it is unspecified which version of ByteString it will be. If (hypothetically) the bytestring library released a new version where lazy byte-strings were actually strict, the functionality of Utils would change accordingly when the user re-ran dependency resolution.
  3. I used a qualified import to refer to identifiers in Data.ByteString.Lazy. This is a pretty common pattern when developing Haskell code: we think of B as an alias to the actual model. Textually, this is also helpful, because it means I only have to edit the import statement to change which ByteString I refer to.

Generalizing Utils with a signature

To generalize Utils with some Backpack magic, we need to create a signature for ByteString, which specifies what the interface of the module providing ByteStrings is. Here one such signature, which is placed in the file Data/ByteString.hsig inside the utilities package:

signature Data.ByteString where
  import Data.Word
  data ByteString
  instance Eq ByteString
  empty :: ByteString
  singleton :: Word8 -> ByteString
  putStr :: ByteString -> IO ()

The format of a signature is essentially the same of that of an hs-boot file: we have normal Haskell declarations, but omitting the actual implementations of values.

The utilities package now needs a new field to record signatures:

name: utilities
  build-depends: base
  exposed-modules: Utils
  signatures: Data.ByteString

Notice that there have been three changes: (1) We've removed the direct dependency on the bytestring package, and (2) we have a new field signatures which simply lists the names of the signature files (also known as holes) that we need filled in.

How do we actually use the utilities package, then? Let's suppose our goal is to produce a new module, Utils.Strict, which is Utils but using strict ByteStrings (which is exported by the bytestring package under the module name Data.ByteString). To do this, we'll need to create a new package:

name: strict-utilities
  build-depends: utilities, bytestring
  reexported-modules: Utils as Utils.Strict

That's it! strict-utilities exports a single module Utils.Strict which is utilities using Data.ByteString from bytestring (which is the strict implementation). This is called a mix-in: in the same dependency list, we simply mix together:

  • utilities, which requires a module named Data.ByteString, and
  • bytestring, which supplies a module named Data.ByteString.

Cabal automatically figures out that how to instantiate the utilities package by matching together module names. Specifically, the two packages above are connected through the module name Data.ByteString. This makes for a very convenient (and as it turns out, expressive) mode of package instantiation. By the way, reexported-modules is a new (orthogonal) feature which lets us reexport a module from the current package or a dependency to the outside world under a different name. The modules that are exported by the package are the exposed-modules and the reexported-modules. The reason we distinguish them is to make clear which modules have source code in the package (exposed-modules).

Unusually, strict-utilities is a package that contains no code! Its sole purpose is to mix existing packages.

Now, you might be wondering: how do we instantiate utilities with the lazy ByteString implementation? That implementation was put in Data.ByteString.Lazy, so the names don't match up. In this case, we can use another new feature, module thinning and renaming:

name: lazy-utilities
  build-depends: utilities, bytestring
    bytestring (Data.ByteString.Lazy as Data.ByteString)
  reexported-modules: Utils as Utils.Lazy

The new backpack-includes field says that only the Data.ByteString.Lazy module should brought into scope, under the name Data.ByteString. This is sufficient to mix in link utilities with the lazy implementation of ByteString.

An interesting duality is that you can do the renaming the other way:

name: lazy-utilities
    utilities (Utils, Data.ByteString as Data.ByteString.Lazy),

Instead of renaming the implementation, I renamed the hole! It's equivalent: the thing that matters it that the signature and implementation need to be mixed under the same name in order for linking (the instantiation of the signature with the implementation) to occur.

There are a few things to note about signature usage:

  1. If you are using a signature, there's not much point in also specifying an explicit import list when you import it: you are guaranteed to only see types and definitions that are in the signature (modulo type classes... a topic for another day). Signature files act like a type-safe import list which you can share across modules.

  2. A signature can, and indeed often must, import other modules. In the type signature for singleton in Data/ByteString.hsig, we needed to refer to a type Word8, so we must bring it into scope by importing Data.Word.

    Now, when we compile the signature in the utilities package, we need to know where Data.Word came from. It could have come from another signature, but in this case, it's provided by the definite package base: it's a proper concrete module with an implementation! Signatures can depend on implementations: since we can only refer to types from those modules, we are saying, in effect: any implementation of the singleton function and any representation of the ByteString type is acceptable, but regarding Word8 you must use the specific type from Data.Word in prelude.

  3. What happens if, independently of my packages strict-utilities, someone else also instantiatiates utilities with Data.ByteString? Backpack is clever enough to reuse the instantiation of utilities: this property is called applicativity of the module system. The specific rule that we use to decide if the instantiation is the same is to look at how all of the holes needed by a package are instantiated, and if they are instantiated with precisely the same modules, the instantiated packages are considered type equal. So there is no need to actually create strict-utilities or lazy-utilities: you can just instantiate utilities on the fly.

Mini-quiz: What does this package do?

name: quiz-utilities
    utilities (Utils, Data.ByteString as B),
    bytestring (Data.ByteString.Lazy as B)

Sharing signatures

It's all very nice to be able to explicitly write a signature for Data.ByteString in my package, but this could get old if I have to do this for every single package I depend on. It would be much nicer if I could just put all my signatures in a package and include that when I want to share it. I want all of the Hackage mechanisms to apply to my signatures as well as my normal packages (e.g. versioning). Well, you can!

The author of bytestring can write a bytestring-sig package which contains only signatures:

name: bytestring-sig
version: 1.0
  build-depends: base
  signatures: Data.ByteString

Now, utilities can include this package to indicate its dependence on the signature:

name: utilities
  build-depends: base, bytestring-sig-1.0
  exposed-modules: Utils

Unlike normal dependencies, signature dependencies should be exact: after all, while you might want an upgraded implementation, you don't want the signature to change on you!

We can summarize all of the fields as follows:

  1. exposed-modules says that there is a public module defined in this package

System Message: WARNING/2 (<stdin>, line 189)

Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

2. other-modules says that there is a private module defined in this package 4. signatures says that there is a public signature defined in this package (there are no private signatures; they are always public, because a signature always must be implemented) 5. reexported-modules says that there is a public module or signature defined in a dependency.

In this list, public means that it is available to clients. Notice the first four fields list all of the source code in this package. Here is a simple example of a client:

name: utilities-extras
  build-depends: utilities
  exposed-modules: Utils.Extra


We've covered a lot of ground, but when it comes down to it, Backpack really comes together because of set of orthogonal features which interact in a good way:

  1. Module signatures: the heart of a module system, giving us the ability to write indefinite packages and mix together implementations,
  2. Module reexports: the ability to take locally available modules and reexport them under a different name, and
  3. Module thinning and renaming : the ability to selectively make available modules from a dependency.

To compile a Backpack package, we first run the traditional version dependency solving, getting exact versions for all packages involved, and then we calculate how to link the packages together. That's it! In a future blog post, I plan to more comprehensively describe the semantics of these new features, especially module signatures, which can be subtle at times.

15 Responses to “A taste of Cabalized Backpack”

  1. Joachim Breitner says:

    “Unlike normal dependencies, signature dependencies should be exact: after all, while you might want an upgraded implementation, you don’t want the signature to change on you!”

    This means that bytestrings-sigs-1.0 will stay around indefinitely, and new versions of bytestring, which are likely to add new code, will then start to accumulate a list of supported signatures (implements: bytestring-sig == 1.0, bytestring-sig == 1.1, bytestring-sig == 1.2 …), right?

  2. Right. Furthermore, a backwards incompatible change would cause you to remove unsupported signatures from the list.

  3. Tikitu de Jager says:

    It might be blatantly obvious to more experienced Haskell devs, but I’m wondering what testing would look like for an indefinite library (utilities, say). I would have to instantiate the signature to test, and I might like to test with several different instantiations: do I make a separate named package for each such instantiation? (I’m generally somewhat unclear on best practises for structuring tests; as I say, it might be this is 100% clear to folks who have that a bit more figured out.)

  4. Tikitu: Good question. Something that I haven’t mentioned is that you can instantiate an indefinite package multiple times in the same package (using syntax which I haven’t shown you in this post.) So you can do it all in one package; you can even have your test harness be an indefinite package that you are instantiating multiple times.

  5. Tikitu de Jager says:

    Ah, that sounds exactly like what I would expect to be doing (instantiating the same tests multiple times with different implementations). Good to hear there’s (already) a tidy way to do it. Cheers.

  6. Jan Stolarek says:

    Why can’t we simply deduce “indefinite: True” based on presence of “required-signatures” field or dependency on an indefinite package? Why is this information made explicit when it could be implict? This seems like a redundancy.

    > If you are using a signature, there’s not much point in also specifying an explicit import list when you import it

    What if we want to import a subset of a signature?

  7. > Why can’t we simply deduce “indefinite: True” based on presence of “required-signatures” field or dependency on an indefinite package? Why is this information made explicit when it could be implict? This seems like a redundancy.

    We could, and we could remove it. The reason why we have it in the file for now is that a package may be indefinite based on the transitive closure of its dependencies (i.e. it’s not a local property). So if you depend on foo which depends on bar which depends on baz which depends on bling, and *that* package is the one with a hole, all of them are indefinite. The indefinite marker is just a nice documentary redundancy.

    > What if we want to import a subset of a signature?

    Sure, you could do that. Or, you could write down a subsetted signature…

  8. Robert Harper says:

    I haven’t studied all of the details here, but I have to ask at what point are you just going to reinvent the ML modules system, which was invented almost 30 years ago, to solve the same problems you are describing?

  9. Scott Kilpatrick says:

    Hi Bob (and anyone else with the same very good question),

    Obviously, yes, functors in ML capture a lot of the new functionality of Backpack in Haskell that Edward describes above. For example, in ML, the “utilities” package above would be a functor parameterized by a signature for the ByteString module. So why did Haskell designers never deem such functionality important enough to add to the language? I have no idea. But now there’s some will to finally do so, albeit at the level of “packages” rather than “modules.” That’s where Backpack comes in.

    We had to come up with a modular design that focuses on the particulars of package-scale modularity and that remains fairly backwards compatible with Haskell today. Both of these constraints led us to Backpack’s mixin design rather than ML’s functor design. There’s some discussion of this in the paper [1], but for posterity, three main reasons come to mind:

    1) Packages are typically defined as deeply nested hierarchies of dependency. Expressed as functors, everything would require explicit parameterization — not only the packages themselves but also the signatures corresponding to their (direct) dependencies. (If these signatures were not themselves parameterized, they would then require sharing constraints to ensure coherence of those signatures’ own dependencies.) Mixins obviate all the explicit parameterization and sharing constraints, instead relying on (module) names to make everything link up the way you’d expect. And it does this in a way that looks exactly like Haskell modules already do today.

    2) Packages often involve modules with cyclic imports, i.e., recursive modules. Some ML languages do handle recursive modules and solve the dreaded double vision problem in doing so. But no ML language supports separate development/typechecking of recursive modules; in the package setting this means recursive modules across packages. Although I don’t have a particularly good use case of inter-package recursion, the mixin design supports both intra-package and inter-package recursion in a unified, straightforward manner. (In fact, it’s just the generalization of the way recursive modules are already defined in GHC Haskell.)

    3) The ML module system is already insufficient for structuring separate “compilation units” (think “packages”) in ML languages. That’s why these languages typically have additional systems for expressing compilation units. For OCaml there’s the ocamlc tool that essentially treats the file system as a mixin layer for structuring modules with holes. For Standard ML there’s the SMLSC system [2] that defines a layer of compilation units on top of modules, which itself has a mixin-like behavior for easily composing units that have the same dependencies on other units (holes). So if we used the ML module system for Haskell — whatever that would actually mean! — then we’d still need that additional layer on top. Backpack kills two birds with one stone by providing some of the ML module system functionality (e.g. code depending on interfaces, instantiation) and some of the separate compilation units functionality (e.g. holes, easy linking/composition).

    The first point claims that Backpack expresses package-level modularity more naturally than ML would (and in accordance to all the existing Haskell code), while the latter two points claim that Backpack does things that the ML module system simply doesn’t do (without an additional system on top).

    It’s not all roses though. I’d never argue that Backpack *subsumes* the ML module system. It’s simply not trying to do everything the ML module system does: it focuses on the structuring of large, separately-developed modular programs rather than the program-level enforcement of abstraction boundaries with abstract types. In my personal opinion, these things are still very important and I would never say that Haskell doesn’t need them.

    Backpack is, regardless, a step in the right direction, for Haskell and for package management in general — toward typed interfaces of modular boundaries and toward structural matching of implementations against those interfaces. And, thanks to Edward, Simon and perhaps eventually others, it’s magically (to me, anyway) appearing in a widely-used existing system rather than just a formal model in a research paper. Anyone who glances at my Twitter feed will see that I’m all for radical transformations of the way things are done ;-) but, after recognizing the way things *should* be done, we still need a pathway to get us there.


    [1] Kilpatrick, Dreyer, Peyton Jones, and Marlow. Backpack: retrofitting Haskell with interfaces. POPL 2014. http://plv.mpi-sws.org/backpack/backpack-paper.pdf
    [2] Swasey, Murphy, Crary, and Harper. A separate compilation extension to Standard ML. ML 2006. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom7/papers/smlsc2-ml06.pdf

  10. Stefan Wehr says:

    Is there a reason why you match package arguments implicitly by name instead of doing so explicitly?

    So instead of writing

    name: lazy-utilities
      bytestring (Data.ByteString.Lazy as Data.ByteString)
    reexported-modules: Utils as Utils.Lazy

    why not write

    name: lazy-utilities
      utilities(Data.ByteSring ~ bytestring::Data.ByteString.Lazy)
    reexported-modules: Utils as Utils.Lazy

    which means: “fill the hole Data.ByteString of the utilities package with the module Data.ByteString.Lazy from the bytestring package”.

    A related question:

    What happens if you have two packages P1 and P2 in your build-depends, which both have a hole H, and now you want to fill the hole H of P1 with module M1 from package P3 and the hole H of P2 with module M2 from package P4?

  11. Stefan: One of the primary reasons for the “mix-in” design, as opposed to ML style functor application, is to avoid the propagation of coherence constraints stating when modules are to be considered the same. Also, from a theoretical perspective, mix-ins support recursive modules much better than explicit instantiation, although recursive packages are not high on our priority list yet! In any case, the “explicit application” syntax is quite doable, desugaring into the creation of a fresh module name at which the linkage occurs.

    Here’s the solution for your second problem:

      P1 (H as M1),
      P2 (H as M2),
      P3 (M1),
      P4 (M2)
  12. Stefan Wehr says:

    Edward, thanks for clarification.

    I was actually only reasoning about syntax, not about mixins / functors in general. To me, the functor-style application syntax looks a bit clearer, because it’s more explicit what’s filled with what.

    But in the end it’s only syntax…

  13. It’s possible that we want to adopt some nicer surface syntax. Reuse of the renaming syntax is nice because of parsimony, but if parsimony were the only thing we looked for in programming languages we’d still be programming the lambda calculus…

  14. Janus says:

    Is all of this still current?

  15. Janus: I just went through the article to update it to be up-to-date. :)

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