Long time readers of mine may be aware that I used a ThinkPad X61T for the past decade. After the hinge on my second instance of the machine, I decided it was finally time to get a new laptop. And I had one particular model on my eye, after Simon Peyton Jones showed me his […]
ghc --make is a useful mode in GHC which automatically determines what modules need to be compiled and compiles them for you. Not only is it a convenient way of building Haskell projects, its single-threaded performance is good too, by reusing the work of reading and deserializing external interface files. However, the are a number […]
Another half year, another Ubuntu upgrade. This upgrade went essentially smoothly: the only things that stopped working were my xbindkeys bindings for volume and suspend, which were easy to fix. Volume up and down If you previously had: #Volume Up "pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- +5%" m:0x10 + c:123 Mod2 + XF86AudioRaiseVolume this syntax no longer […]
My usual laptop setup is I have a wide monitor, and then I use my laptop screen as a secondary monitor. For a long time, I had two XMonad layouts: one full screen layout for my laptop monitor (I use big fonts to go easy on the eyes) and a two-column layout when I'm on […]
I finally got around to upgrading to Utopic. A year ago I reported that gnome-settings-daemon no longer provided keygrabbing support. This was eventually reverted for Trusty, which kept everyone's media keys. I'm sorry to report that in Ubuntu Utopic, the legacy keygrabber is no more: ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 4015 [merge] author: William Hua <william.hua@canonical.com> committer: Tarmac […]
Hello loyal readers: Inside 206-105 has a new theme! I’m retiring Manifest, which was a pretty nice theme but (1) the text size was too small and (2) I decided I didn’t really like the fonts, I’ve reskinned my blog with a theme based on Brent Jackson’s Ashley, but ported to work on WordPress. I […]
etckeeper is a pretty good tool for keeping your /etc under version control, but one thing that it won’t tell you is what the diff between your configuration and a pristine version of your configuration (if you installed the same packages on the system, but didn’t change any configuration). People have wanted this, but I […]
Ubuntu continues on its rampage of breaking perfectly good software, and on my most recent upgrade to Saucy Salamander, I discovered to my dismay that my media keys (e.g. volume keys, fn (function) keys, suspend button, etc) had stopped working. Of course, it worked fine if I logged into my user using Unity, but who […]
Having attempted to read a few textbooks on my Kindle, I have solemnly concluded that the Kindle is in fact a terrible device for reading textbooks. The fundamental problem is that, due to technological limitations, the Kindle is optimized for sequential reading. This can be seen in many aspects: Flipping a page in the Kindle […]
Along with a Nexus 7, I also acquired a Kindle Paperwhite over winter break. (Wi-Fi only) I have been quite pleased by this purchase, though in an unexpected way: while I have not increased the number of books I read, the Kindle has materially changed how I read articles on the Internet. Not via their […]