Greetings from 2024! An official pattern matching PEP has been accepted and is available in Python 3.10. Class patterns are tested using isinstance, with no inheritance structure necessary, making the pattern described in this post 100% forward compatible to real pattern matching. One of the features I miss most in non-Haskell programming languages is […]
I’ve been having some vicious fun over the weekend hacking up a little tool called MMR Hammer in Haskell. I won’t bore you with the vagaries of multimaster replication with Fedora Directory Server; instead, I want to talk about rapidly prototyping scripts in Haskell—programs that are characterized by a low amount of computation and a […]
Keyword arguments are generally considered a good thing by language designers: positional arguments are prone to errors of transposition, and it’s absolutely no fun trying to guess what the 37 that is the third argument of a function actually means. Python is one language that makes extensive use of keyword arguments; they have the following […]
Git is very careful about your files: unless you tell it to be explicitly destructive, it will refuse to write over files that it doesn't know about, instead giving an error like: Untracked working tree file 'foobar' would be overwritten by merge. In my work with Wizard, I frequently need to perform merges on working […]
Python is a language that gives you a lot of rope, in particular any particular encapsulation scheme is only weakly enforced and can be worked around by a sufficiently savvy hacker. I fall into the "my compiler should stop me from doing stupid things" camp, but I'll certainly say, dynamic capabilities sure are convenient. But […]
I've come a long ways from complaining to the html5lib list that the Python version gratuitously used generators, making it hard to port to PHP. Having now drunk the laziness kool-aid in Haskell, I enjoy trying to make my code fit the generator idiom. While Python generators have notable downsides compared to infinite lazy lists […]