It's been a year since I got my hood and gown and joined Facebook (where I've been working on PyTorch), but while I've been at Facebook Backpack hasn't been sleeping; in fact, there's been plenty of activity, more than I could have ever hoped for. I wanted to summarize some of the goings on in […]
This is a guest post by Kaixi Ruan. Backpack is a module system for Haskell, released recently in GHC 8.2.1. As this is a new feature, I wanted to know how people use it. So I searched Twitter every day, and the other day I saw this tweet: Are there other examples than String/Bytestring/Text? So […]
Suppose you are a library writer interested in using Backpack. Backpack says that you can replace a direct dependency on a function, type or package with one or more signatures. You typecheck against a signature and your end user picks how they want to eventually implement the signature. Sounds good right? But there's a dirty […]
This post is part two of a series about how you can try out Backpack, a new mixin package system for Haskell. In the previous post, we described how to use a new ghc --backpack mode in GHC to quickly try out Backpack's new signature features. Unfortunately, there is no way to distribute the input […]
In the PVP, you increment the minor version number if you add functions to a module, and the major version number if you remove function to a module. Intuitively, this is because adding functions is a backwards compatible change, while removing functions is a breaking change; to put it more formally, if the new interface […]
It's not too hard to convince people that version bounds are poor approximation for a particular API that we depend on. What do we mean when we say >= 1.0 && < 1.1? A version bound is a proxy some set of modules and functions with some particular semantics that a library needs to be […]
Rich Hickey recently gave a keynote at Clojure/conj 2016, meditating on the problems of versioning, specification and backwards compatibility in language ecosystems. In it, Rich considers the "extremist" view, what if we built a language ecosystem, where you never, ever broke backwards compatibility. A large portion of the talk is spent grappling with the ramifications […]
Backpack, a new system for mix-in packages in Haskell, has been released with GHC 8.2. Although Backpack is closely integrated with the Cabal package system, it's still possible to play around with toy examples using a new command ghc --backpack. Before you get started, make sure you have a recent enough version of GHC: ezyang@sabre:~$ […]
One of the early posts from this blog, from 2010, was on the subject of how to pick your string library in Haskell. Half a decade later, the Haskell ecosystem is still largely in the same situation as it was half a decade ago, where most of the boot libraries shipped with GHC (e.g., base) […]
When building a module system which supports parametrizing code over multiple implementations (i.e., functors), you run into an important implementation question: how do you compile said parametric code? In existing language implementations are three major schools of thought: The separate compilation school says that you should compile your functors independently of their implementations. This school […]