ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding


Idiomatic algebraic data types in Python with dataclasses and Union

Greetings from 2024! An official pattern matching PEP has been accepted https://peps.python.org/pep-0636/ and is available in Python 3.10. Class patterns are tested using isinstance, with no inheritance structure necessary, making the pattern described in this post 100% forward compatible to real pattern matching. One of the features I miss most in non-Haskell programming languages is […]

  • October 14, 2020

Dynamic scoping is an effect, implicit parameters are a coeffect

For the longest time, I thought of implicit parameters and dynamic scoping were basically the same thing, since they both can be used to solve similar problems (e.g., the so called "configuration problem" where you need to plumb down some configuration deep into a nested body of function definitions without defining them all explicitly). But […]

  • August 27, 2020

vmap in Haskell

vmap is an interface popularized by JAX which offers you a vectorizing map. Semantically, a vmap is exactly equivalent to a map in Haskell; the key difference is that operations run under a vmap are vectorized. If you map a convolution and a matrix multiply, you will have one big loop which repeatedly calls convolution […]

  • January 29, 2020

A short note about functional linear maps

Some notes collected from a close read of Conal Elliot's Compiling to Categories and The Simple Essence of Automatic Differentiation. A colleague of mine was trying to define a "tree structure" of tensors, with the hope of thereby generalizing the concept to also work with tensors that have "ragged dimensions." Let's take a look: Suppose […]

  • May 15, 2019

A year into Backpack

It's been a year since I got my hood and gown and joined Facebook (where I've been working on PyTorch), but while I've been at Facebook Backpack hasn't been sleeping; in fact, there's been plenty of activity, more than I could have ever hoped for. I wanted to summarize some of the goings on in […]

  • July 14, 2018

Backpack for deep learning

This is a guest post by Kaixi Ruan. Backpack is a module system for Haskell, released recently in GHC 8.2.1. As this is a new feature, I wanted to know how people use it. So I searched Twitter every day, and the other day I saw this tweet: Are there other examples than String/Bytestring/Text? So […]

  • August 17, 2017

Proposal: Suggest explicit type application for Foldable length and friends

tl;dr If you use a Foldable function like length or null, where instance selection is solely determined by the input argument, you should make your code more robust by introducing an explicit type application specifying which instance you want. This isn't necessary for a function like fold, where the return type can cross-check if you've […]

  • March 21, 2017

Designing the Backpack signature ecosystem

Suppose you are a library writer interested in using Backpack. Backpack says that you can replace a direct dependency on a function, type or package with one or more signatures. You typecheck against a signature and your end user picks how they want to eventually implement the signature. Sounds good right? But there's a dirty […]

  • March 11, 2017

How to integrate GHC API programs with Cabal

GHC is not just a compiler: it is also a library, which provides a variety of functionality that anyone interested in doing any sort of analysis on Haskell source code. Haddock, hint and ghc-mod are all packages which use the GHC API. One of the challenges for any program that wants to use the GHC […]

  • February 8, 2017

Try Backpack: Cabal packages

This post is part two of a series about how you can try out Backpack, a new mixin package system for Haskell. In the previous post, we described how to use a new ghc --backpack mode in GHC to quickly try out Backpack's new signature features. Unfortunately, there is no way to distribute the input […]

  • January 17, 2017