OPLSS lecture notes
I write in from sunny Oregon, where the sun floods into your room at seven in the morning and the Oregon Programming Languages Summer School is in session. So far, it’s been a blast—with lectures covering Coq, Agda, homotopy type theory, linear logic, logical relations—and we’ve still got another week to go!
If you were not able to make it, fear not: you can go to the curriculum page and pick up not only videos (I hear they are still quite large; we’ve been trying to convince the organizers to upload them to YouTube) but lecture notes from yours truly. (Sample from the logical relations lectures.) The earlier notes are a little iffy, but I get a bit more detailed on the later ones.
One technical note: I have heard that some folks on Macs are having trouble viewing the PDFs on the default PDF viewers; the text doesn’t show up. I have also heard that Chrome’s PDF viewer as well as Acrobat Reader are able to read the PDFs. Whatever the problem is, it is likely some trouble with Xournal’s PDF export functionality. If someone has a method of fixing this without losing metadata (e.g. the ability to copy/paste the text), I’d be all ears.