June, 2011
An IVar is an immutable variable; you write once, and read many times. In the Par monad framework, we use a prompt monad style construction in order to encode various operations on IVars, which deterministic parallel code in this framework might use. The question I'm interested in this post is an alternative encoding of this […]
Today I would like to describe how I pin down compiler bugs, specifically, bugs tickled by optimizations, using a neat feature that Hoopl has called optimization fuel. Unfortunately, this isn’t a particularly Googleable term, so hopefully this post will get some Google juice too. Optimization fuel was originally introduced by David Whalley in 1994 in […]
This post describes how to change which monitor xmobar shows up on in a multi-monitor setup. This had always been an annoyance for me, since on an initial switch to multi-monitor, xmobar would be living on the correct monitor, but if I ever restarted XMonad thereafter, it would migrate to my other monitor, much to […]
This is notebook two. Max Schäfer: Refactoring Java Most Java refactoring tools built into IDEs like Eclipse are little more than glorified text manipulation macros. There are no guarantees that the result of your refactoring will have the same behavior as the original: you can even refactor code that doesn’t even compile! To prevent this, […]
Over the year, I’ve accumulated three notebooks worth of miscellaneous notes and musings. Since these notebooks are falling apart, I’ve decided to transfer their contents here. Warning: they might be slightly incoherent! This is the first of three notebooks. I recommend skimming the section headers and seeing if any of them pop out. Tony Hoare: […]
I recently encountered the following pattern while writing some Haskell code, and was surprised to find there was not really any support for it in the standard libraries. I don’t know what it’s called (neither did Simon Peyton-Jones, when I mentioned it to him), so if someone does know, please shout out. The pattern is […]
I recently had to remove a number of type synonyms from the GHC code base which were along the lines of type CmmActuals = [CmmActual]. The process made me wonder a little about when type synonyms are appropriate for Haskell code. The Wikibooks article says type synonyms are “for making the roles of types clearer […]
There’s networking, and then there’s socialization. Networking is establishing the link, knowing how to find and talk to the person if the need arises. Socialization is communication for the sake of communication; it strengthens networks and keeps people in touch. In many ways, it is the utility a social networking site provides. Trouble is, there […]
What is the biggest possible Haskell program that you could try debugging a space leak in? One very good choice is GHC, weighing in nearly a 100k lines of code (though, thankfully, 25% of that figure is comments.) Today, I’m going to describe one such space leak that I have fixed in GHC. This is […]
Today we continue the theme, “What can Philosophy of Science say for Software Engineering,” by looking at some topics taken from the Philosophy of Physical Sciences. Measurement and quantification Quantification is an activity that is embedded in modern society. We live by numbers, whether they are temperature readings, velocity, points of IQ, college rankings, safety […]