Calling all space leaks
I’m currently collecting non-stack-overflow space leaks, in preparation for a future post in the Haskell Heap series. If you have any interesting space leaks, especially if they’re due to laziness, send them my way.
Here’s what I have so far (unverified: some of these may not leak or may be stack overflows. I’ll be curating them soon).
import Control.Concurrent.MVar -- main1 = do file <- getContents putStrLn $ show (length $ lines file) ++ " " ++ show (length $ words file) ++ " " ++ show (length file) -- main2 = let xs = [1..1000000::Integer] in print (sum xs * product xs) -- leaky_lines :: String -> [String] leaky_lines "" = [] leaky_lines s = let (l, s') = break (== '\n') s in l : case s' of [] -> [] (_:s'') -> leaky_lines s'' -- data MyTree = MyNode [MyTree] | MyLeaf [Int] makeTree :: Int -> MyTree makeTree 0 = MyLeaf [0..99] makeTree n = MyNode [ makeTree (n - 1) , makeTree (n - 1) ] count2 :: MyTree -> MyTree -> Int count2 r (MyNode xs) = 1 + sum (map (count2 r) xs) count2 r (MyLeaf xs) = length xs -- leaky_length xs = length' xs 0 where length' [] n = n length' (x:xs) n = length' xs (n + 1) -- leaky_sequence [] = [[]] leaky_sequence (xs:xss) = [ y:ys | y <- xs, ys <- leaky_sequence xss ] -- initlast :: (()->[a]) -> ([a], a) initlast xs = (init (xs ()), last (xs ())) main8 = print $ case initlast (\()->[0..1000000000]) of (init, last) -> (length init, last) -- waitQSem :: MVar (Int,[MVar ()]) -> IO () waitQSem sem = do (avail,blocked) <- takeMVar sem if avail > 0 then putMVar sem (avail-1,[]) else do b <- newEmptyMVar putMVar sem (0, blocked++[b]) takeMVar b -- data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving Show data TreeEvent = Start String | Stop | Leaf String deriving Show main10 = print . snd . build $ Start "top" : cycle [Leaf "sub"] type UnconsumedEvent = TreeEvent -- Alias for program documentation build :: [TreeEvent] -> ([UnconsumedEvent], [Tree String]) build (Start str : es) = let (es', subnodes) = build es (spill, siblings) = build es' in (spill, (Tree str subnodes : siblings)) build (Leaf str : es) = let (spill, siblings) = build es in (spill, Tree str [] : siblings) build (Stop : es) = (es, []) build [] = ([], [])