Tracing the compilation of Hello Factorial!
It is often said that the factorial function is the “Hello World!” of the functional programming language world. Indeed, factorial is a singularly useful way of testing the pattern matching and recursive facilities of FP languages: we don’t bother with such “petty” concerns as input-output. In this blog post, we’re going to trace the compilation of factorial through the bowels of GHC. You’ll learn how to read Core, STG and Cmm, and hopefully get a taste of what is involved in the compilation of functional programs. Those who would like to play along with the GHC sources can check out the description of the compilation of one module on the GHC wiki. We won’t compile with optimizations to keep things simple; perhaps an optimized factorial will be the topic of another post!
The examples in this post were compiled with GHC 6.12.1 on a 32-bit Linux machine.
$ cat Factorial.hs
We start in the warm, comfortable land of Haskell:
module Factorial where fact :: Int -> Int fact 0 = 1 fact n = n * fact (n - 1)
We don’t bother checking if the input is negative to keep the code simple, and we’ve also specialized this function on Int, so that the resulting code will be a little clearer. But other then that, this is about as standard Factorial as it gets. Stick this in a file called Factorial.hs and you can play along.
$ ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-ds
Haskell is a big, complicated language with lots of features. This is important for making it pleasant to code in, but not so good for machine processing. So once we’ve got the majority of user visible error handling finished (typechecking and the like), we desugar Haskell into a small language called Core. At this point, the program is still functional, but it’s a bit wordier than what we originally wrote.
We first see the Core version of our factorial function:
Rec { Factorial.fact :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int LclIdX [] Factorial.fact = \ (ds_dgr :: GHC.Types.Int) -> let { n_ade :: GHC.Types.Int LclId [] n_ade = ds_dgr } in let { fail_dgt :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld -> GHC.Types.Int LclId [] fail_dgt = \ (ds_dgu :: GHC.Prim.State# GHC.Prim.RealWorld) -> *_agj n_ade (Factorial.fact (-_agi n_ade (GHC.Types.I# 1))) } in case ds_dgr of wild_B1 { GHC.Types.I# ds_dgs -> letrec { } in case ds_dgs of ds_dgs { __DEFAULT -> fail_dgt GHC.Prim.realWorld#; 0 -> GHC.Types.I# 1 } }
This may look a bit foreign, so here is the Core re-written in something that has more of a resemblance to Haskell. In particular I’ve elided the binder info (the type signature, LclId and [] that precede every binding), removed some type signatures and reindented:
Factorial.fact = \ds_dgr -> let n_ade = ds_dgr in let fail_dgt = \ds_dgu -> n_ade * Factorial.fact (n_ade - (GHC.Int.I# 1)) in case ds_dgr of wild_B1 { I# ds_dgs -> case ds_dgs of ds_dgs { __DEFAULT -> fail_dgt GHC.Prim.realWorld# 0 -> GHC.Int.I# 1 } }
It’s still a curious bit of code, so let’s step through it.
- There are no longer fact n = ... style bindings: instead, everything is converted into a lambda. We introduce anonymous variables prefixed by ds_ for this purpose.
- The first let-binding is to establish that our variable n (with some extra stuff tacked on the end, in case we had defined another n that shadowed the original binding) is indeed the same as ds_dgr. It will get optimized away soon.
- Our recursive call to fact has been mysteriously placed in a lambda with the name fail_dgt. What is the meaning of this? It’s an artifact of the pattern matching we’re doing: if all of our other matches fail (we only have one, for the zero case), we call fail_dgt. The value it accepts is a faux-token GHC.Prim.realWorld#, which you can think of as unit.
- We see that our pattern match has been desugared into a case-statement on the unboxed value of ds_dgr, ds_dgs. We do one case switch to unbox it, and then another case switch to do the pattern match. There is one extra bit of syntax attached to the case statements, a variable to the right of the of keyword, which indicates the evaluated value (in this particular case, no one uses it.)
- Finally, we see each of the branches of our recursion, and we see we have to manually construct a boxed integer GHC.Int.I# 1 for literals.
And then we see a bunch of extra variables and functions, which represent functions and values we implicitly used from Prelude, such as multiplication, subtraction and equality:
$dNum_agq :: GHC.Num.Num GHC.Types.Int LclId [] $dNum_agq = $dNum_agl *_agj :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int LclId [] *_agj = GHC.Num.* @ GHC.Types.Int $dNum_agq -_agi :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int LclId [] -_agi = GHC.Num.- @ GHC.Types.Int $dNum_agl $dNum_agl :: GHC.Num.Num GHC.Types.Int LclId [] $dNum_agl = GHC.Num.$fNumInt $dEq_agk :: GHC.Classes.Eq GHC.Types.Int LclId [] $dEq_agk = GHC.Num.$p1Num @ GHC.Types.Int $dNum_agl ==_adA :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Bool.Bool LclId [] ==_adA = GHC.Classes.== @ GHC.Types.Int $dEq_agk fact_ado :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int LclId [] fact_ado = Factorial.fact end Rec }
Since +, * and == are from type classes, we have to lookup the dictionary for each type dNum_agq and dEq_agk, and then use this to get our actual functions *_agj, -_agi and ==_adA, which are what our Core references, not the fully generic versions. If we hadn’t provided the Int -> Int type signature, this would have been a bit different.
Simplified Core
ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-simpl
From here, we do a number of optimization passes on the core. Keen readers may have noticed that the unoptimized Core allocated an unnecessary thunk whenever n = 0, the fail_dgt. This inefficiency, among others, is optimized away:
Rec { Factorial.fact :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int GblId [Arity 1] Factorial.fact = \ (ds_dgr :: GHC.Types.Int) -> case ds_dgr of wild_B1 { GHC.Types.I# ds1_dgs -> case ds1_dgs of _ { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Num.* @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_B1 (Factorial.fact (GHC.Num.- @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_B1 (GHC.Types.I# 1))); 0 -> GHC.Types.I# 1 } } end Rec }
Now, the very first thing we do upon entry is unbox the input ds_dgr and pattern match on it. All of the dictionary nonsense has been inlined into the __DEFAULT branch, so GHC.Num.* @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt corresponds to multiplication for Int, and GHC.Num.- @ GHC.Types.Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt corresponds to subtraction for Int. Equality is nowhere to be found, because we could just directly pattern match against an unboxed Int.
There are a few things to be said about boxing and unboxing. One important thing to notice is that the case statement on ds_dgr forces this variable: it may have been a thunk, so some (potentially large) amount of code may run before we proceed any further. This is one of the reasons why getting backtraces in Haskell is so hard: we care about where the thunk for ds_dgr was allocated, not where it gets evaluated! But we don’t know that it’s going to error until we evaluate it.
Another important thing to notice is that although we unbox our integer, the result ds1_dgs is not used for anything other than pattern matching. Indeed, whenever we would have used n, we instead use wild_B1, which corresponds to the fully evaluated version of ds_dgr. This is because all of these functions expect boxed arguments, and since we already have a boxed version of the integer lying around, there's no point in re-boxing the unboxed version.
ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-stg
Now we convert Core to the spineless, tagless, G-machine, the very last representation before we generate code that looks more like a traditional imperative program.
Factorial.fact = \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds_sgx] case ds_sgx of wild_sgC { GHC.Types.I# ds1_sgA -> case ds1_sgA of ds2_sgG { __DEFAULT -> let { sat_sgJ = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sgI = \u srt:(0,*bitmap*) [] let { sat_sgH = NO_CCS GHC.Types.I#! [1]; } in GHC.Num.- GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_sgC sat_sgH; } in Factorial.fact sat_sgI; } in GHC.Num.* GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_sgC sat_sgJ; 0 -> GHC.Types.I# [1]; }; }; SRT(Factorial.fact): [GHC.Num.$fNumInt, Factorial.fact]
Structurally, STG is very similar to Core, though there’s a lot of extra goop in preparation for the code generation phase:
- All of the variables have been renamed,
- All of the lambdas now have the form \r srt:(0,*bitmap*) [ds_sgx]. The arguments are in the list at the rightmost side: if there are no arguments this is simply a thunk. The first character after the backslash indicates whether or not the closure is re-entrant (r), updatable (u) or single-entry (s, not used in this example). Updatable closures can be rewritten after evaluation with their results (so closures that take arguments can’t be updateable!) Afterwards, the static reference table is displayed, though there are no interesting static references in our program.
- NO_CCS is an annotation for profiling that indicates that no cost center stack is attached to this closure. Since we’re not compiling with profiling it’s not very interesting.
- Constructor applications take their arguments in square brackets: GHC.Types.I# [1]. This is not just a stylistic change: in STG, constructors are required to have all of their arguments (e.g. they are saturated). Otherwise, the constructor would be turned into a lambda.
There is also an interesting structural change, where all function applications now take only variables as arguments. In particular, we’ve created a new sat_sgJ thunk to pass to the recursive call of factorial. Because we have not compiled with optimizations, GHC has not noticed that the argument of fact will be immediately evaluated. This will make for some extremely circuitous intermediate code!
ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-cmm
Cmm (read “C minus minus”) is GHC’s high-level assembly language. It is similar in scope to LLVM, although it looks more like C than assembly. Here the output starts getting large, so we’ll treat it in chunks. The Cmm output contains a number of data sections, which mostly encode the extra annotated information from STG, and the entry points: sgI_entry, sgJ_entry, sgC_ret and Factorial_fact_entry. There are also two extra functions __stginit_Factorial_ and __stginit_Factorial which initialize the module, that we will not address.
Because we have been looking at the STG, we can construct a direct correspondence between these entry points and names from the STG. In brief:
- sgI_entry corresponded to the thunk that subtracted 1 from wild_sgC. We’d expect it to setup the call to the function that subtracts Int.
- sgJ_entry corresponded to the thunk that called Factorial.fact on sat_sgI. We’d expect it to setup the call to Factorial.fact.
- sgC_ret is a little different, being tagged at the end with ret. This is a return point, which we will return to after we successfully evaluate ds_sgx (i.e. wild_sgC). We’d expect it to check if the result is 0, and either “return” a one (for some definition of “return”) or setup a call to the function that multiplies Int with sgJ_entry and its argument.
Time for some code! Here is sgI_entry:
sgI_entry() { has static closure: False update_frame: <none> type: 0 desc: 0 tag: 17 ptrs: 1 nptrs: 0 srt: (Factorial_fact_srt,0,1) } ch0: if (Sp - 24 < SpLim) goto ch2; I32[Sp - 4] = R1; // (reordered for clarity) I32[Sp - 8] = stg_upd_frame_info; I32[Sp - 12] = stg_INTLIKE_closure+137; I32[Sp - 16] = I32[R1 + 8]; I32[Sp - 20] = stg_ap_pp_info; I32[Sp - 24] = base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure; Sp = Sp - 24; jump base_GHCziNum_zm_info (); ch2: jump stg_gc_enter_1 (); }
There’s a bit of metadata given at the top of the function, this is a description of the info table that will be stored next to the actual code for this function. You can look at CmmInfoTable in cmm/CmmDecl.hs if you’re interested in what the values mean; most notably the tag 17 corresponds to THUNK_1_0: this is a thunk that has in its environment (the free variables: in this case wild_sgC) a single pointer and no non-pointers.
Without attempting to understand the code, we can see a few interesting things: we are jumping to base_GHCziNum_zm_info, which is a Z-encoded name for base GHC.Num - info: hey, that’s our subtraction function! In that case, a reasonable guess is that the values we are writing to the stack are the arguments for this function. Let’s pull up the STG invocation again: GHC.Num.- GHC.Num.$fNumInt wild_sgC sat_sgH (recall sat_sgH was a constant 1). ``base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure is Z-encoded base GHC.Num $fNumInt, so there is our dictionary function. stg_INTLIKE_closure+137 is a rather curious constant, which happens to point to a statically allocated closure representing the number 1. Which means at last we have I32[R1 + 8], which must refer to wild_sgC (in fact R1 is a pointer to this thunk’s closure on the stack.)
You may ask, what do stg_ap_pp_info and stg_upd_frame_info do, and why is base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure at the very bottom of the stack? The key is to realize that in fact, we’re placing three distinct entities on the stack: an argument for base_GHCziNum_zm_info, a stg_ap_pp_info object with a closure containing I32[R1 + 8] and stg_INTLIKE_closure+137, and a stg_upd_frame_info object with a closure containing R1. We’ve delicately setup a Rube Goldberg machine, that when run, will do the following things:
- Inside base_GHCziNum_zm_info, consume the argument base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure and figure out what the right subtraction function for this dictionary is, put this function on the stack, and then jump to its return point, the next info table on the stack, stg_ap_pp_info.
- Inside stg_ap_pp_info, consume the argument that base_GHCziNum_zm_info created, and apply it with the two arguments I32[R1 + 8] and stg_INTLIKE_closure+137. (As you might imagine, stg_ap_pp_info is very simple.)
- The subtraction function runs and does the actual subtraction. It then invokes the next info table on the stack stg_upd_frame_info with this argument.
- Because this is an updateable closure (remember the u character in STG?), will stg_upd_frame_info the result of step 3 and use it to overwrite the closure pointed to by R1 (the original closure of the thunk) with a new closure that simply contains the new value. It will then invoke the next info table on the stack, which was whatever was on the stack when we entered sgI_Entry.
Phew! And now there’s the minor question of if (Sp - 24 < SpLim) goto ch2; which checks if we will overflow the stack and bugs out to the garbage collector if so.
sgJ_entry does something very similar, but this time the continuation chain is Factorial_fact to stg_upd_frame_info to the great beyond. We also need to allocate a new closure on the heap (sgI_info), which will be passed in as an argument:
sgJ_entry() { has static closure: False update_frame: <none> type: 0 desc: 0 tag: 17 ptrs: 1 nptrs: 0 srt: (Factorial_fact_srt,0,3) } ch5: if (Sp - 12 < SpLim) goto ch7; Hp = Hp + 12; if (Hp > HpLim) goto ch7; I32[Sp - 8] = stg_upd_frame_info; I32[Sp - 4] = R1; I32[Hp - 8] = sgI_info; I32[Hp + 0] = I32[R1 + 8]; I32[Sp - 12] = Hp - 8; Sp = Sp - 12; jump Factorial_fact_info (); ch7: HpAlloc = 12; jump stg_gc_enter_1 (); }
And finally, sgC_ret actually does computation:
sgC_ret() { has static closure: False update_frame: <none> type: 0 desc: 0 tag: 34 stack: [] srt: (Factorial_fact_srt,0,3) } ch9: Hp = Hp + 12; if (Hp > HpLim) goto chb; _sgG::I32 = I32[R1 + 3]; if (_sgG::I32 != 0) goto chd; R1 = stg_INTLIKE_closure+137; Sp = Sp + 4; Hp = Hp - 12; jump (I32[Sp + 0]) (); chb: HpAlloc = 12; jump stg_gc_enter_1 (); chd: I32[Hp - 8] = sgJ_info; I32[Hp + 0] = R1; I32[Sp + 0] = Hp - 8; I32[Sp - 4] = R1; I32[Sp - 8] = stg_ap_pp_info; I32[Sp - 12] = base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure; Sp = Sp - 12; jump base_GHCziNum_zt_info (); }
...though not very much of it. We grab the result of the case split from I32[R1 + 3] (R1 is a tagged pointer, which is why the offset looks weird.) We then check if its zero, and if it is we shove stg_INTLIKE_closure+137 (the literal 1) into our register and jump to our continuation; otherwise we setup our arguments on the stack to do a multiplication base_GHCziNum_zt_info. The same dictionary passing dance happens. And that’s it!
While we’re here, here is a brief shout-out to “Optimised Cmm”, which is just Cmm but with some minor optimisations applied to it. If you’re really interested in the correspondence to the underlying assembly, this is good to look at.
ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-opt-cmm
ghc -c Factorial.hs -ddump-asm
Finally, we get to assembly. It’s mostly the same as the Cmm, minus some optimizations, instruction selection and register allocation. In particular, all of the names from Cmm are preserved, which is useful if you’re debugging compiled Haskell code with GDB and don’t feel like wading through assembly: you can peek at the Cmm to get an idea for what the function is doing.
Here is one excerpt, which displays some more salient aspects of Haskell on x86-32:
sgK_info: .Lch9: leal -24(%ebp),%eax cmpl 84(%ebx),%eax jb .Lchb movl $stg_upd_frame_info,-8(%ebp) movl %esi,-4(%ebp) movl $stg_INTLIKE_closure+137,-12(%ebp) movl 8(%esi),%eax movl %eax,-16(%ebp) movl $stg_ap_pp_info,-20(%ebp) movl $base_GHCziNum_zdfNumInt_closure,-24(%ebp) addl $-24,%ebp jmp base_GHCziNum_zm_info .Lchb: jmp *-8(%ebx)
Some of the registers are pinned to registers we saw in Cmm. The first two lines are the stack check, and we can see that %ebp is always set to the value of Sp. 84(%ebx) must be where SpLim; indeed, %ebx stores a pointer to the BaseReg structure, where we store various “register-like” data as the program executes (as well as the garbage collection function, see *-8(%ebx)). Afterwards, a lot of code moves values onto the stack, and we can see that %esi corresponds to R1. In fact, once you’ve allocated all of these registers, there aren’t very many general purpose registers to actually do computation in: just %eax and %edx.
That’s it: factorial all the way down to the assembly level! You may be thinking several things:
- Holy crap! The next time I need to enter an obfuscated C contest, I’ll just have GHC generate my code for me. GHC’s internal operational model is indeed very different from any imperative language you may have seen, but it is very regular, and once you get the hang of it, rather easy to understand.
- Holy crap! I can’t believe that Haskell performs at all! Remember we didn’t compile with optimizations at all. The same module compiled with -O is considerably smarter.
Thanks for reading all the way! Stay tuned for the near future, where I illustrate action on the Haskell heap in comic book format.