From Hi all, We now plan to do the git switchover this Thursday, 31 March. Thanks Ian There are some things that I will miss from Darcs (darcs send and the cases where "everything is a patch" actually does work well), but all and all I’m quite pleased to see GHC moving to Git.
The release cycle gets longer and longer... probably to the delight of all those downstream, anyway. HTML Purifier 4.3.0 is a major security release addressing various security vulnerabilities related to user-submitted code and legitimate client-side scripts. It also contains an accumulation of new features and bugfixes over half a year. New configuration options include %CSS.Trusted, […]
Yesterday I cycled from Cambridge to Ely, and back again. The route is a glorious 38 miles (round trip) of British towns and countryside. The cycling around Cambridge is quite good, because there aren’t very many hills, and in the farmland areas you get to see the tractors rolling by. The longest I’d ever cycled […]
Ghost in the state machine A long time ago (circa 2007-2008), I wrote perhaps the single most complicated piece of code in HTML Purifier—one of those real monsters that you don’t think anyone else could ever understand and that you are really grateful you have a comprehensive test suite for. The idea was this: I […]
I recently attended a talk which discussed extending proof assistants with diagrammatic reasoning support , helping to break the hegemony of symbolic systems that is predominant in this field. While the work is certainly novel in some respects, I can't also but help think that we've come back full circle to the Ancient Greeks, who […]
Books are expensive, but by the power of higher-education (also expensive, but differently so), vast oceans of books are available to an enterprising compsci. Here’s my reading list for the spring break lending period (many of which were recommended on #haskell: Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi. […]
Wherein I make fun of functional programming advocates. In this essay, I’d like to discuss the ideologies of “imperative programming” and “functional programming” in terms of the language features they lean on: in particular, the mechanisms by which they allow developers to express themselves in less code. I propose that the set of features that […]
The perverse incentive structure of the Internet Suppose you have a Random Question™ that you would like answered. For example, “Did Sir Francis Galton have any children?” It’s the type of thing you’d type into Google. is not a terribly good source, but it is something to at least see if you can scrounge […]
I was flipping through An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic by Graham Priest and the section on many-valued logics caught my eye. Many-valued logics are logics with more than the usual two truth values true and false. The (strong) Kleene 3-valued logic, sets up the following truth table with 0, 1 and x (which is thought […]
This is a collection of WTFs due to misuse of mutable state. We'll start off with some Java. What do you expect this snippet of code to do? Sensor Accel = sm.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); Sensor Orient = sm.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION); sm.registerListener((SensorEventListener) this, Accel, sm.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); Ostensibly, it registers the current object to receive just accelerometer updates. But what if I […]