Why Haskell? The big question
Language selection is a contentious thing, and often a compromise between "pick the right language for the job" and "use as few languages as possible to increase mindshare." Google, for example, limits the programming languages their employees are allowed to use; and I have come to associate picking whatever language you want for your own projects as irresponsible, having once been told, "Yeah... that project was written in X and no one besides the guy who wrote it knows X... probably not a good use of your time to work on it." Of course, I've been quite culpable of this myself; I wrote the member dues tracking system for the Assassins' Guild in Haskell, and unless a miracle happens I am kind of doubtful future maintainers will be able to deal with it.
When I am not being irresponsible, Python is my favored language for most of my scripting needs, and as such I am painfully aware of quirks in the language that Haskell would smooth away.
- Python code is dynamically typed and variables have no scoping. Brain-o typing errors, variable misnamings and plain ole broken code isn't caught unless a code path is exercised. What makes it better: pylint -e catches large classes of errors (but you commonly have to wade through recursion limit errors to find it, and I strongly believe any error checking not built in the compiler is doomed to be ignored by the people who need it most), as is full code coverage on whatever automated tests you have. Why Haskell rocks: the static analysis is complete enough that if it compiles, it runs correctly.
- Python is slow. If you don't believe it: ask yourself why the runtime can't be loaded quickly enough to make running Python as CGI tenable, or why Google has banned it from living in public facing code, or why engineers treat rewriting a Python daemon in C++ as the inevitable conclusion when you just can't wring out anymore speed. What makes it better: Not everything has to be blazing fast. Why Haskell rocks: Insane people writing insane compilers like GHC which compile into native binaries and have absolutely epic speed.
- Python has an limit to comprehensible code golfing. While duplication of high-level code structure is no where as bad in Python as it might be for Java or C++, attempts to purify code even further often lead to highly incomprehensible higher order functions that require copious documentation. As people say, "Don't write Haskell in Python." Why Haskell rocks: The type system not only becomes essential to the documentation of the code, it also serves as a framework by which a user can "snap" together combinators and data like legoblocks, leading to a much higher tolerance of complexity.
- Python has inherited an aging object-oriented paradigm. However, I am increasingly convinced that typeclass based systems (Go is one decidedly imperative language that has picked them up) are the way to go. In combination with type signatures, they provide the two primary benefits of OOP: a logical organization of functionality and polymorphism, without all of the complicated gunk that is multiple inheritance, mix-ins, metaclasses, etc. Why Haskell rocks: First-class support for type-classes.
- Python has abysmal threading support. It has the global interpreter lock. Why Haskell rocks: It not only has fast, green threads and the notion of purity to make splitting computations feasible, it has made it extremely simple to experiment with scheduling algorithms with the computation. I can't say much more in this field, because I have very little experience writing parallel Haskell code.
But I would cringe to attempt to write in Haskell one of the large projects that I have done in imperative languages like PHP or Python (I mention these two particular languages, because within them I have built two systems that are actually large), for these very important reasons:
- Haskell has not grown sufficient library support to become fully multiparadigm. I am highly skeptical that a straight-forward port of any given piece of Python code would be possible; despite great advances in shepherding the more dynamic features of Python into Haskell's type system with packages such as Text.Printf, action at a distance intrinsic of an imperative program would require heavy IO wizardry in Haskell.
- It's not obvious which problems in the imperative domain truly are better kept in the imperative domain, as James Hague has mused recently. The Haskell community is fairly unified in its stance that as little code should be in the IO monad as possible, but when we bring in small bits of the imperative world to help us in cases such as the State monad, we acknowledge the imperative paradigm is useful... or at least an easy way out. Perhaps if we tried harder we could find a more elegant, maintainable, purely functional solution; and one of the favorite pastimes of academics is to figure these things out. But this is hard even for those used to thinking functionally, and the answers often need to be discovered, let alone implemented.
- All of the engineering folklore, wisdom and best practices that have been accumulated from years of hacking on large, imperative codebases may or may not apply to functional codebases anymore. If functional libraries are encouraged to be as decoupled as possible, do we need to allow for further decoupling in the API? Does pure code need to be logged, or is its determinism make it trivial to debug? What testing do we need, and how much trust do we put in the types? How does API documentation and cross-referencing need to evolve for functional codebases? How the heck do you go ahead and debug a logic error in a section of pure Haskell code?
Yet, there are companies that are putting out production size codebases in Haskell, which makes me optimistic that answers to these questions will soon become public knowledge; if not for Haskell, for some other purely functional language. And the "classic" solutions in the imperative world have often lead to insidious errors, especially in a world of multithreaded applications, and we must not settle for "good enough." Software sucks, but purely functional systems with strong, flexible types have the promise to eliminate large swaths of this suckage. And that is why I Haskell.