One of the things that I learned in grad school is that even if you've picked an important and unsolved problem, you need some reason to believe it is solvable--especially if people have tried to solve it before! In other words, "What's different this time?" This is perhaps a dreary way of shooting down otherwise […]
I just presented Blame Trees at the 13th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium. Blame trees are a functional data structure which support an efficient merge operation by incorporating information about the “blame” (think git blame) of any given part of the structure. It’s a theory paper, so the constant factors are not so good, but […]
Humbly presented for your consideration: Exhibit A, an NDSEG essay that did not get accepted; Exhibit B, an NDSEG essay that did get accepted. It’s pretty cool what making a statement more focused can do. (See also Philip Guo’s page on the topic.)
“ that’s what we’re going to build!” “Cool! What language are you going to write it in?” “Well, we were thinking we were going to need three programming languages...” “...three?” “...and they’ll be research programming languages too...” “Are you out of your mind?” This was the conversation in streaming through my head when I decided […]
If you haven't noticed, these are coming in the order of the visit days. Whereas the weather at UPenn was nice and sunny, the NJ Transit dinghy rolled into a very misty Princeton. Fortunately, I had properly registered for this visit day, so the hotel was in order. I was a bit early, so I […]
I'm hoping that this will be the beginning of a series of posts describing all of the visit days/open houses that I attended over the past month. Most of the information is being sucked out of the notes I took during the visits, so it's very stream of consciousness style. It's kind of personal, and […]