ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding

September, 2014

Haskell Implementor’s Workshop ’14

This year at ICFP, we had some blockbuster attendance to the Haskell Implementor's Workshop (at times, it was standing room only). I had the pleasure of presenting the work I had done over the summer on Backpack. You can grab the slides or view the presentation itself (thank you ICFP organizers for being incredibly on-the-ball […]

  • September 7, 2014

Open type families are not modular

One of the major open problems for building a module system in Haskell is the treatment of type classes, which I have discussed previously on this blog. I've noted how the current mode of use in type classes in Haskell assume “global uniqueness”, which is inherently anti-modular; breaking this assumption risks violating the encapsulation of […]

  • September 4, 2014