ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding

Ubuntu Oneiric upgrade (Thinkpad/Xmonad)

I upgraded from Ubuntu Natty Narwhal to Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) today. Lots of things broke. In order:

  • “Could not calculate the upgrade.” No indication of what the error might be; in my case, the error ended up being old orphan OpenAFS kernel modules (for whom no kernel modules existed). I also took the opportunity to clean up my PPAs.
  • “Reading changelogs.” apt-listchanges isn’t particularly useful, and I don’t know why I installed it. But it’s really painful when it’s taking more time to read changelogs than to install your software. Geoffrey suggested gdb -p `pgrep apt-listchanges` and then forcing it to call exit(0), which worked like a charm. Had to do this several times; thought it was infinitely looping.
  • Icons didn’t work, menus ugly. Go to “System Settings > Appearance” and go set a new theme; in all likelihood your old theme went away. This AskUbuntu question gave a clue.
  • Network Manager stopped working. For some inscrutable reason the default NetworkManager config file /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf has managed=false for ifupdown. Flip back to true.
  • New window manager, new defaults to dunk you in Unity at least once. Just make sure you pick the right window manager from the little gear icon.
  • gnome-power-manager went away. If you fix icons a not-so-useful icon will show up anyway when you load gnome-settings-daemon.
  • “Waiting for network configuration.” There were lots of suggestions here. My /var/run and /var/lock were borked so I did these instructions, I also hear that you should punt wlan0 from /etc/network/interfaces and remove it from /etc/udev/rules.d70-persistent-net.rules. I also commented out the sleeps in /init/failsafe.conf for good measure.
  • Default GHC is 7.0.3! Blow away your .cabal (but hold onto .cabal/config) and go reinstall Haskell Platform. Don’t forget to make sure you install profiling libraries, and grab xmonad and xmonad-contrib. Note that previous haskell-platform installs will be rather broken, on account of missing GHC 6 binaries (you can reinstall them, but it looks like they get replaced.)
  • ACPI stopped knowing about X, so if you have scripts for handling rotation, source /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs and run getXuser and getXconsole
  • DBUS didn’t start. This is due to leftover pid and socket files, see this bug
  • Was mysteriously fscking my root drive on every boot. Check your pass param in /etc/fstab; should be 0.
  • Redshift mysteriously was being reset by xrandr calls; worked around by calling it oneshot immediately after running xrandr.
  • Not sure if this was related to the upgrade, but fixed an annoyance where suspend-checking (in case you are coming out of hibernate) was taking a really long time in boot. Set resume to right swap in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and update-initramfs -u with great prejudice).

Unresolved annoyances: X11 autolaunching in DBUS, the power icon doesn’t always properly show AC information and is too small in stalonetray, xmobar doesn’t support percentage battery and AC coloring simultaneously (I have a patch), a totem built from scratch segfaults.

13 Responses to “Ubuntu Oneiric upgrade (Thinkpad/Xmonad)”

  1. paurullan says:

    I know Ubuntu reaches the sweet spot between Debian stable and unstable but I am almost scared to recommend anybody upgrade and Ubuntu release!

  2. Nicolas Wu says:

    I also found that it broke Skype: I can no longer receive video.

  3. yachris says:

    This is why I have two partitions: one for root, one for user. I keep everything important (programs I’m working on, music, photos, etc.) on the user partition, and install as little as possible on root.

    Then when a new distribution comes out, I do a reformat and clean install. This post is why.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Switch to Arch. I switched after a similar episode and I cannot recommend it enough!

  5. Yeah, honestly, Ubuntu pulls these shenanigans every major release, and I just deal with it by never upgrading until, e.g. major holiday. To be fair though, except for the DBUS problem, most of these problems came from the rampant customization that I make on my install (this is also why I’d be terrified of a fresh install: with an upgrade, I know I’ll do a bounded amount of work to make things work again; with a fresh install, who knows how much configuration I’ll lose?)

  6. Tristram Brelstaff says:

    I also do a clean install of Ubuntu each time instead of upgrading. I found out a while back that it was actually faster to do things that way (as well as being simpler).

  7. Sigh. Remember when we had to do this “clean install” stuf for Windows? Boy times have change.

  8. agumonkey says:

    welcome to 1995.

    sent from xp

  9. refold says:

    > Default GHC is 7.0.3!

    This is why I always install GHC & cabal-install manually and don’t use distro packages.

  10. Anonymous says:

    i’m new at functional programming (and lambda calculus) so excusse me if my question is silly, or the answer too obvious :D

    Why does f (g x (h y (a + b))) translates into f(g(x,h(y,a + b)) and not to f(g,x(h,y(a+b))). I understood the syntax from the article this way: after the ‘$’ symbol we have a parenthesis, where the variables (right “operators” of the ‘$’ symbol) that follow, are the arguments to the left “operator” of the ‘$’ (the function).

    where am i wrong? thnks in advance for your answers :D

  11. Qi Qi says:

    That’s why I had my thinkpad settled with Debian a few years ago because of its rolling upgrade. And also I have Xmonad coupled with Gnome 3’s fallback.

  12. Evan says:

    Just remembered that I meant to comment about this, in the interests of trying to spread good information.

    NetworkManager’s managed=true setting in the ifupdown plugin is connected to how it handles /etc/network/interfaces. The assumption in the default install is that if you configured a device in /etc/network/interfaces, you want it managed by ifupdown and not NM, so NM does not try to configure those interfaces itself. This is a reasonable default setting because NM doesn’t yet support the full range of capabilities that /etc/network/interfaces has (e.g. obscure things like interface bonding and bridge interfaces)

    The generally correct way to configure a modern Debian/Ubuntu desktop is to remove all non-loopback interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces and let NM take over. This likely would have also kept you from triggering the /etc/init/failsafe.conf Upstart job (which was put in place because Ubuntu server systems were booting fast enough that traditional init scripts were running before networking was up – http://pad.lv/580319)

    Also, in defense of Ubuntu, almost all of the problems you describe sound to me like they are connected to external upgrades – the GNOME 3 transition in particular – which means that you likely would have had many of those issues upgrading from any GNOME 2 distribution to its GNOME 3 release.

  13. […] 重试,问题依旧。后来搜索“Reading changelogs”发现这篇文章中提到apt-listchanges “Reading changelogs.” apt-listchanges isn’t particularly useful, and […]

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