ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding

Variant types and GADTs

OCaml supports anonymous variant types, of the form type a = [`Foo of int | `Bar of bool], with the appropriate subtyping relations. Subtyping is, in general, kind of tricky, so I have been using these variant types fairly conservatively. (Even if a feature gives you too much rope, it can be manageable and useful if you use discipline.) Indeed, they are remarkably handy for one particular use-case for which I would have normally deployed GADTs. This is the “Combining multiple sum types into a single sum type” use-case.

Consider the following program in Haskell:

data A = Foo Int | Bar Bool
data B = Baz Char | Qux

If one would like to define the moral equivalent of A plus B, the most naive way to do this is:

data AorB = A A | B B

But this kind of sucks: I would have preferred some kind of flat namespace by which I could refer to A and B (also, this encoding is not equivalent to data AorB = Foo Int | Bar Bool | Baz Char | Qux in the presence of laziness.) If you use normal sum types in OCaml, you’re similarly out of luck. However, you can handily manage this if you use variant types:

type a = [`Foo of int | `Bar of bool]
type b = [`Baz of char | `Quz]
type a_or_b = [a | b]

Sweet! Note that we’re not using the full generality of variant types: I will only ever refer to these variant constructors in the context of a, b or a_or_b: anonymous variant types are right out. This prevents coercion messes.

I can actually pull this off in Haskell with GADTs, although it’s certainly not obvious for a beginning programmer:

data A
data B
data AorB t where
  Foo :: Int -> AorB A
  Bar :: Bool -> AorB A
  Baz :: Char -> AorB B
  Quz :: AorB B

To pattern match against all constructors, I specify the type AorB t; to only do A I use AorB A, and to only do B I use AorB B. Don’t ask me how to specify arbitrary subsets of more than two combined sum types. (Solutions in the comment section welcome, though they will be graded on clarity.)

The Haskell approach does have one advantage, which is that the sum type is still closed. Since OCaml can make no such guarantee, things like bin-prot need to use up a full honking four-bytes to specify what variant it is (they hash the name and use that as a unique identifier) rather than the two bits (but more likely, one byte) needed here. This also means for more efficient generated code.

7 Responses to “Variant types and GADTs”

  1. Sjoerd Visscher says:

    This seems to work:

    data A
    data B
    data C
    data X
    data SumABC a b c where
    A :: SumABC A X X
    B :: SumABC X B X
    C :: SumABC X X C

    If you want to allow A or B, but not C, use SumABC a b X.

  2. Sjoerd Visscher says:

    Or even shorter:

    data Y
    data N
    data SumABC a b c where
    A :: SumABC Y N N
    B :: SumABC N Y N
    C :: SumABC N N Y

  3. Heh, I suppose it does. GHC might get mad at you for using linearly many type variables though! :-)

  4. Daniel Schüssler says:

    Suggested solution: https://gist.github.com/1100723

    No change in the variant type needed, though making the subset definition boilerplate is a job for TH :)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Are you aware of Wouter Swierstra’s Data types à la carte paper? He describes a very clever method of solving your problem in general using Haskell.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If you’re on a 32-bit machine, those two bits needed for the closed version would probably be put into a 4-byte integer anyway, since that’s the size of a word and the generated code has to obey alignment restrictions.

  7. Daniel: Classy. :-)

    Anonymous: Wouter Swierstra’s paper is very cute, but I think it solves something of a different problem. I’d love to be shown to be wrong.

    Anonymous 2: Right, the tag for the data is not much more efficient. The real benefit is dispatching on these tags. If the tags are open (range over all 32-bit integers), you cannot use jump tables; if you know they range over a small subset, you can.

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