ezyang’s blog

the arc of software bends towards understanding

In-program GC stats for GHC

I’ll be at this year’s Hac Phi (coming up in a week and a half), and I am planning on working on in-program garbage collector statistics for GHC. There is nothing really technically difficult about this task (we just need to expose some functions in the RTS), but it’s not been done yet and I know quite a few performance-minded and long-running-server-minded folks who would love to see this functionality.

My question for you is this: what would you like such an API to look like? What things should it offer, how would you like to interact with it?

Here’s one sample API to get the ball rolling:

module GHC.RTS.Stats where

-- Info is not collected unless you run with certain RTS options.  If
-- you are planning on using this on a long-running server, costs of the
-- options would be good to have (we also probably need to add extra
-- options which record, but have no outwardly visible effect.)

-- Read out static parameters that were provided via +RTS

generations :: IO Int

-- Full statistics

-- Many stats are internally collected as words. Should be publish
-- words?

-- Names off of machine readable formats

bytesAllocated :: IO Int64
numGCs :: IO Int64
numByteUsageSamples :: IO Int64
averageBytesUsed :: IO Int64 -- cumulativeBytesUsed / numByteUsageSamples
maxBytesUsed :: IO Int64
-- peakMemoryBlocksAllocated :: IO Int64
peakMegabytesAllocated :: IO Int64
initCpuSeconds :: IO Double
initWallSeconds :: IO Double
mutatorCpuSeconds :: IO Double
mutatorWallSeconds :: IO Double
gcCpuSeconds :: IO Double
gcWallSeconds :: IO Double

-- Wouldn't be too unreasonable to offer a data structure with all of
-- this?  Unclear.  At least, it would prevent related data from
-- desynchronizing.

data GlobalStats = GlobalStats
    { g_bytes_allocated :: Int64
    , g_num_GCs :: Int64
    , g_num_byte_usage_samples :: Int64
    , g_average_bytes_used :: Int64
    , g_max_bytes_used :: Int64
    , g_peak_megabytes_allocated :: Int64
    , g_init_cpu_seconds :: Double
    , g_init_wall_seconds :: Double
    , g_mutator_cpu_seconds :: Double
    , g_mutator_wall_seconds :: Double
    , g_gc_cpu_seconds :: Double
    , g_gc_wall_seconds :: Double
globalStats :: IO GlobalStats
generationStats :: Int -> IO GlobalStats

-- GC statistics

-- We can't offer a realtime stream of GC events, because they come
-- to fast. (Test? eventlog comes to fast, maybe GC is manageable,
-- but you don't want to trigger GC in your handler.)

data GCStats = GCStats
    { gc_alloc :: Int64
    , gc_live :: Int64
    , gc_copied :: Int64
    , gc_gen :: Int
    , gc_max_copied :: Int64
    , gc_avg_copied :: Int64
    , gc_slop :: Int64
    , gc_wall_seconds :: Int64
    , gc_cpu_seconds :: Int64
    , gc_faults :: Int
lastGC :: IO GCStats
lastMajorGC :: IO GCStats
allocationRate :: IO Double

-- Parallel GC statistics

data ParGCStats = ParGCStats
    { par_avg_copied :: Int64
    , par_max_copied :: Int64
parGCStats :: IO ParGCStats
parGCNodes :: IO Int64

-- Threaded runtime statistics
data TaskStats = TaskStats
    -- Inconsistent naming convention here: mut_time or mut_cpu_seconds?
    -- mut_etime or mut_wall_seconds? Hmm...
    { task_mut_time :: Int64
    , task_mut_etime :: Int64
    , task_gc_time :: Int64
    , task_gc_etime :: Int64

-- Spark statistics

data SparkStats = SparkStats
    { s_created :: Int64
    , s_dud :: Int64
    , s_overflowed :: Int64
    , s_converted :: Int64
    , s_gcd :: Int64
    , s_fizzled :: Int64
sparkStats :: IO SparkStats
sparkStatsCapability :: Int -> IO SparkStats

7 Responses to “In-program GC stats for GHC”

  1. David Leuschner says:

    Yeah! That’s just what we were looking for. Such an API would be absolutely great! We currently track the external memory usage of our long running server process but that doesn’t tell us much because we don’t know how much of this big heap is “live”. We tried to capture the output of +RTS -Sfilename but GHC is too smart and uses block-buffering on the file which introduces a long delay. We wouldn’t be picky about the details of the API – any easy to implement variant would be great to have. I think we’d favor fast availability over a stable API so we could get going, learn and then improve…

  2. Felipe Lessa says:

    Why are the record fields inside IO? Doesn’t make a lot of sense for me =(. Other than that, looks pretty good =D.

  3. Johan Tibell says:

    I’d love to have this. Some comments:

    * Please be clear about the concurrency guarantees in your API. For example, I wouldn’t expect to see a consistent set of stats if I had to call multiple readIORefs in a row, while I would expect to see something consistent if I called readIORef once and got a record.

    * Make the API general enough to handle the possibility of changing the number of generations via the command line. E.g. does lastMajor GC make sense with 4 generations?

    * Does GHC already keep these counter around and it’s only a matter of reading them? I would start out by offering an API that surfaces whatever GHC stores at the moment and thinking about aggregation (per task, etc) in v2, when we have a better understanding of the use cases.

    * I find numGenerations clearer than just generations.

  4. Felipe: Oops! That’s been fixed.

    Johan: Yeah, the consistency guarantees you’d get for records makes it more likely that I’ll end up implementing that, despite the extra memory needs of it. Generations are also a good point. Most of the functions came straight out of rts/Stats.c, so they should be “easy” in that sense.

  5. Johan Tibell says:

    In what sense do records need more memory? Just to allocate them when the user asks for GC stats or do you plan to keep a record of GC stats that you update in each GC, regardless if the user asks for the stats or not? Aren’t the counters maintained as a C struct already?

  6. The allocation when the user asks for them. The counters are already maintained in C structs, so that’s not a problem (it’s not very much memory either.)

  7. Johan Tibell says:

    Ah OK. I think that allocation is quite reasonable. I don’t expect the user to poll that quickly.

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